Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Taco-Tasting Sweet Potato Casserole

Totally stole this recipe from one of my NLABBA coaches but I had to share it. This recipe is absolutely delicious and lacks the salt that most taco dishes have.

1-T Coconut oil
1-T Minced garlic
Cumin (judge according to taste)
1-lb of extra lean ground meat (turkey, chicken, beef) I used beef
1/2-cup of diced peppers
1/2-cup of salsa
1-medium sweet potato

1. Place 1-T of coconut oil in a pan and let melt

2. Add 1-T of minced garlic to pan and let sautee to get the most flavour

3. Add ground meat to garlic and cook. Make sure all meat pieces and separated and not left in a 'chunky' form. Season with cumin. I used a lot as I love the taco flavouring it gives the meat

4. When ground meat is cooked, add 1/2-cup of peppers and 1/2-cup of salsa

5. Grate 1-medium sweet potato OR slice into thin slices

6. Layer an 8"x8" casserole dish with half of the meat mixture

7. Place a layer of sweet potato over the meat

8. Place the other half of the meat mixture over the sweet potato

9. Let bake for 15-minutes

10. Serve hot

Ok, so I understand that some posts on 'recipes' seem a little boring to most and you'll probably never take the time to try anything posted on here .. but if you like Mexican food and you want to cook a DELICIOUS meal that will last for days .. then bake this dish! You won't regret it.

Bon Appetite, friends!
Have any recipes of your own? Tired of eating the same ol' same ol' foods?
For questions, comments or even to share a recipe of your own, email me minusthirtythree@gmail.com

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