Monday, June 17, 2013


Serendipity means a "happy accident" or "pleasant surprise"; a fortunate mistake. Specifically, the accident of finding something good or useful while not specifically searching for it.

[Reference: ]

I'm not sure if I would consider this serendipity but the man I met at Starbucks sure did.

I'm sure a lot of you will be disinterested in this post but I really wanted to share it as the encounter that had made my day.

So it's Saturday morning and I'm in the Starbucks line when this older gentleman walks up to me and touches my arm. The conversation went as follows:

Bill: You have Bernard written on your arm
Me: Ya, I got it tattooed down in Miami a few years back.
Bill: And who is Bernard?
Me: He's my grandfather.
Bill: Is he still alive or did he pass on?
Me: He passed away a few years back.
Bill: O, I'm so sorry to hear. Was he sick?
Me: Ya, I pretty much lived with him until I was 13. He had a clean bill of health for the majority of his life and then a few years before passing, he developed prostate cancer and multiple other types.
Bill: That's very unfortunate. And you got his name tattooed? That's absolutely magical. And your grandmother?
Me: My grandmothers still alive.
Bill: Is she well?
Me: She's ok. She has some things going on but overall, she's good. I got my nan to kiss an envelope a few years back and I'm actually gonna get her lips tattooed over his name. Lipstick is like her trademark haha
Bill: That's magical.

With that, Bill gets his latte and his banana muffin and blueberry muffin for he and his wife and he leaves and to walk to his table. I order my americano and then he reappears, asking if I'd mind going over to the his table and meeting his wife.
I walk over to the table and he introduces us.

Bill: This is Victoria. She's a magical girl. She's special. Tell my wife about your tattoo.

*so I begin to tell her the story that I had previously told him
*she looks interested but a little embarrassed

Bill: Do you believe in good luck, Victoria?
Me: I do.
Bill: Hold out your hand.

*Bill hands me a tiny little hand-pained lady bug

Bill: What does this symbolise? 
Me: It's symbolises good luck.
Bill: That's right. Not many people believe in good luck. Not many people believe in ladybugs.
Me: Thank you.
Bill: I want you to have this, too.

*Bill hands me a second ladybug

Bill: Close your hands in mine and repeat after me. "With this ladybug, I give you good luck. I give you the fortune of health. The fortune to forgive bad health and to look forward to good health". I want you to do the same with this lady bug in your grandmothers hand. It's to wish her the fortune of good health.
Me: I will. I promise. I believe in good luck with ladybugs. I don't really like ladybugs but you obviously saw that I have one tattooed on my shoulder?

*I showed the tattoo.

Bill: I honestly had no idea. You believe in luck. You have a ladybug. That's a moment of serendipity. It was magical meeting you. Enjoy your day and good luck with everything.
*Bills face literally dropped and turned white.

I thought this was a genuinely nice gesture. I loved the interaction I had with this man and I loved how he viewed everything. There is nothing better than a stranger doing such a nice act for another. This encounter started my day off superb! He was the sweetest gentleman, EVER! And I am eternally grateful to have meet such a guy <3

*Note: I know his name is Bill cause the Starbucks lady called him by his first name as he ordered his 'regular'.
**Note: There may be some discrepancies within the above but it's pretty accurate as to how the conversation went.

Have you ever had a stranger do something like this? Have you ever had someone walk up to you and give you a gift? This was a touching moment for me and it is definitely a moment I will never forget. :)

Thank you, Starbucks Bill!

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